TJ Eckleberg

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A producer, vocalist, songwriter and guitar player, TJ Eckleberg has been performing and recording for over twenty years and five distinctive solo albums – jazz tinged Waiting room (1997); 2SER radio album of the week SUPERHYDRATED (2000); spoken word / tone poem illumineon (2003); the soulful When you get down to it (2008) and the soon to be released rock trio album West & Lime. He currently lives and works in Berlin, Tokyo and Sydney.

TJ’s Poem


There’s a friendly face, in a foreign city, drinking soup
On a street corner you’ve never seen before
one in four million, the chances we’re given
kindness, redemption

You find yourself in a warm room, smiling
listening to candles burning, and a bass guitar
Two voices sound like enough
Like enough for me

And I could be Jim O’Rourke today
I could be Tommy Raudonikis

Now I’m walking through strange trains
And people who say hello in strange
And me? I talk too much
I talk too much and it makes me laugh